Wax Dipping

We offer wax dipping services at our Carlisle, PA location for your assembled new (untreated and unused) bee equipment, such as bottom boards, hive bodies, and wooden lids (no plastic components, screened bottom boards, inner covers, particle board, plywood, or flow hives with plastic parts–solid wood only). We are dipping (open to anyone) approximately once per month, May through August (sometimes also April and September, depending on weather and timing), so ask ahead if you have a special request, and drop off your items well in advance. Are you a club or individual beekeeper with a large order (50 or more boxes)? We can also set up a custom day for you.

2024 PRICING (we will start wax dipping again in early April 2024):

$6 per large 10-frame deep boxes. $5 for 10-frame medium boxes, 8-frame boxes, and any size lid lid or bottom board. $4 for 5 frame boxes. $2 for shims.

We use a mixture of paraffin and microcrystalline wax (HiveGuard wax–we add additional microcrystalline to perfect the blend), heated to approximately 300-315 degrees for dipping the woodenware.

If you drop off equipment, EVERY piece of equipment needs to be labeled with your name, and you must leave a message, note, text, or email with what you dropped off and your phone number, so we can reach you when it is finished. A permanent marker or even pencil will work just fine for marking boxes. You are welcome to leave them here for a few days even, if you can’t pick them up right away.

If you want to paint your equipment after it is dipped (oil based paint adheres best when the boxes are still hot), you are welcome to bring along your brushes and paint to do that, weather permitting. The equipment can also be painted later if you use a bonding primer first.

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