About Us

We keep bees and produce honey in both south central and northern Pennsylvania. In Cumberland county (just west of Carlisle), we have a small farm shop and bee supply, where we carry a range of products and offer wax dipping services and classes to other beekeepers. In northern Pennsylvania (Nicholson area) we also offer queens and supplies on a regular basis during the bee season.

Our raw honey and bee products are produced by our own honey bee colonies in Pennsylvania (nowhere else) without the use of antibiotics or non-organic treatments on the honeybee colonies, and our processing facility is licensed and inspected. We keep all of our bees in Pennsylvania, and our breeder queens (queens used to create new queens) are not treated for mites (monitored and tested carefully), and our production colonies are treated with organic mite treatments as needed. 

Each season we produce a limited number of high quality Pennsylvania mated queens, based on local and inseminated genetics from VSH Carniolan, VSH Pol-line, Golden West, and Harbo. Our breeder queens are based on our goals of being hardy, not aggressive, producing honey, and the mother (breeder queen) showing mite resistance. Years ago we realized the value of investing in high quality genetics, and we spend significant effort and money each year to maintain and improve our bees.